Sunday, 14 September 2014

Results day 2014

Sorry for not posting for a while, if anyone actually reads this blog. There isn't really an excuse I just didn't get round to posting even though I had already written them in draft form beford. I hope everything is ok with you.

As the title suggests I am going to be talking about my results day, which occured on the 14th August 2014. Well that day I can safely say changed my life forever. It seems that every results day changes my life forever and I never know which way it is going to change it. Last year crushed my confidence and caused a spiral of events which weren't great. The year before I started to believe in my academic ability, maybe too much and the year before that I couldn't quite believe my results and realised I could do anything I wanted to do with my results.

I have left you in suspense and for that I must apologise. This year I started to believe in myself again, so you can probably tell I was pleased with my results this time around. Here is what happened on the momentous day:

 I went and collected my results from my old school but I had to go away from everyone to look at the piece of paper that would change my life. When I finally looked I just punched the air with a ckencged fist and tried not to shout I did it. I know it sounds cheesy but is what really happened. Then I had to tell my mum and dad the good news, I walked home holding back tears and as soon as I walled in I let go. All I could was say was, 'I did it!' My mum thought there was something wrong, but I was the happiest I had been for a very long time.

So I probably tell you what I got. I got an A in both further maths and economics a level. I know they are just letters and I shouldn't care as much as I do, but they signal to me how much hope hard work I have put in and they show I have actually achieved something. I hope your results were what you are wanted abs you are happy with them, if you had results to collect. I know what it feels like when they aren't what you want, and if they aren't, don't dig yourself a hole and hide from the world because you are ashamed and feel stupid. Instead brush yourself off and figure out what you want to do next and try to move forward. I know that is easier said then done but it does get better. :)

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